What we do
- About Us
- What we do

Preservation of ecological and cultural heritages for future generations is one of the major objectives of the FLi Sathkaara.
Supporting art and culture, helping sustain traditions and promoting environmental conservation
will all help ensure that our cultural heritage and natural heritage will live on to benefit future
generations. The environment must be protected, especially from the advance of global warming
and deforestation which threaten everyone’s lives. Therefore, it’s important to get younger
generations involved in the effort of protecting and preserving environment. we have designed
environment protection and awareness programs to get participated younger generation.
No group is more vulnerable to environmental harm than children. Air pollution, water pollution
and exposure to toxic substances, together with other types of environmental harm, cause 1.5
million deaths of children under the age of 5 every year, and contribute to disease, disability and
early mortality throughout their life. In addition, climate change and the loss of biodiversity
threaten to cause long-term effects that will blight children’s lives for years to come. Creating
worldwide change isn’t done with just one person; it has to involve everyone. The participation
of young people is a necessity if the interests of future generations are to be safeguarded.
Children’s are the owners of future. Hence, Children need to learn how to protect their
environment, be kind to each other, and make decisions that benefit the world as a whole.
Therefore, we have developed number of programs to teach them about environmental issues so
they can continue to help create change together.

- Green guides
This includes programs which are mainly focused to plantation of trees and Re- forestation
- Reduce pollution
These are the programs which are designed to encourage reduce environmental pollution by
innovating different methods and products.
- Improved Awareness
Effective awareness sessions will be conducted on the environmental protection and
- Improved Participation
Gathering and formation of circles of environmentally friendly parties & children to improve
the participation in achieving our environmental objective.
Therefore, we have developed number of programs to teach them about environmental issues so
they can continue to help create change together.