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Hygiene is a series of practices performed to preserve health
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Hygiene refers to conditions and practices
that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases.” As per the UN report on global
analysis and assessment of sanitation and drinking water; sanitation coverage in Sri Lanka is
92% and it was the best in South Asia. But that report stated that the rural school sanitation
should be further improved. Therefore, Improving the health of children and families through
proper sanitation & hygiene is one of the priorities of Sathkaara foundation. Healthy children,
who become healthy adults, create better lives for themselves and their families.
As stated by Mahatma Gandhi, “It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold &
silver”. The Project hygienic help is committed to ensuring high quality health care to most
underserved children in the island. Polluted water, poor sanitation, and unhygienic practices
cause millions of children to suffer needlessly from disease around the world. According to
UNICEF report, children are especially impacted by the country’s water issues, with schools in a
number of areas across the island lacking access to clean water and sanitation. There is a dire
need to address this problem as it increases risks to children’s health, and naturally, it poses a
threat to their education.
UNICEF reports that the percentage of schools in Sri Lanka with improved water sources ranges
between 80 to 85 percent. With the depletion and degradation of the resource caused by various
anthropogenic activities, Sri Lanka also face the challenge of accessing to clean and safe water.
Water resources in urban areas are polluted heavily with domestic sewage and industrial
effluents, and in rural areas with agricultural runoff. However, the students in urban schools have
not impacted by this issue as they receive various kinds of support from government and nongovernmental parties.
But students who are living in poverty-stricken districts are suffering from the issue of lacking
the clean and safe water. Often, their parents are paddy and chena (slash and burn) cultivators
and not aware of the danger of the issue. Consequently, these children and families become
victim diarrheal diseases and Chronic kidney diseases (CKD). At the same time, they lack proper
sanitary facilities including the basic need of toilets. Toilet use is essential to the survival and
development of all children, as exposure to human waste causes diseases such as diarrhea. For
women and girls, sanitation is important for their health, safety and dignity. For women and
adolescent girls, toilets provide a space to manage their menstrual hygiene.
Therefore, FLi Sathkaara work through the theme “HYGIENIC HELP” with a great hope of ensuring access to clean water and sanitation for the rural schools through,

- Expanding access to clean water & sanitary facilities through proper infrastructure.
- Wellbeing of children through advocacy & public education efforts.
We have already conducted 4 projects under this theme and each & every part of the project is
transparent & accountable. You also can be a tremendous asset for the succession future projects by donating us on these projects.